Hormones control the entire process of reproduction, tubal is one of the reproductive organs, but also by hormones. The hormone in the fallopian tube more reports, including tubal function-related, mainly estrogen, progesterone, prostaglandins and pituitary oxytocin. Fallopian tube estrogen and progesterone levels with the blood concentration and menstrual cycle fluctuations, the side of the corpus luteum side of the progesterone level higher than the contralateral. Tubal estrogen and progesterone receptors and endometrial receptors the same, but also to mucosal as much. Fallopian tube prostates cable receptor increased after ovulation, luteal phase reached its peak, the isthmus content in each period were high. Posterior pituitary oxytocin receptor distribution and fluctuations with the same prostaglandin. Tubal pick-up effect and follicular fluid prostaglandin-related, tubal fluid flow to the uterine side affected by estrogen and prostaglandin. In the role of tubal estrogen, tubal fluid and cervical mucus similar changes in the sperm easy swimming, exercise more