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“三贴近”:“三个代表”重要思想对新闻工作的必然要求3月29日,中央政治局开会专门研究《进一步改进会议和领导同志活动的新闻报道的意见》,认为这对全面贯彻“三个代表”重要思想和十六大精神,促进和带动全党同志特别是各级领导干部进一步改进思想作风、工作作风和领导作风,密切党同人民群众的联系,具有十分重要意义。同时,要求新闻单位坚持正确的舆论导向,大力宣传党的理论路线方针政策,多报道有指导意义、群众关心的内容,力求准确、鲜明、生动,努力使新闻报道贴近实际、贴近群众、贴近生活。党中央将“三贴近”作为新 On March 29, the Political Bureau of the Central People’s Government held a special meeting to study the “Opinion on Further Improving News Reports on the Activities of the Conference and Leadership.” They think that this is the inevitable requirement of journalism on the important thinking of the “Three Represents.” On March 29, On the comprehensive implementation of the important thinking of the ’Three Represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress, we should promote and bring along with the leading comrades in our party, especially the leading cadres at all levels, to further improve their ideological style, work style and leadership style, to keep in close contact with the masses and with Very important. At the same time, they should request press units to adhere to the correct direction of public opinion, vigorously publicize the party’s line, principles and policies of the party, give more coverage to those who are instructive and concerned by the masses, and strive to make them accurate, vivid and vivid. They should work hard to bring news reports closer to reality, to the masses and to life . The Central Party Committee will “push the three closer” to be new
伴随着冬至的来临,2003年11月12日下午,泉城济南索菲特银座大饭店中,2004山东电视台卫星频道广告推介会,在轻松、幽默、愉快的气氛中拉开了帷幕。 With the advent of the w