对黑龙江省同江县 96—QP剖面从下至上划分 4个孢粉组合带 :1是以蒙古栎桦属蒿属苔草属禾本科水龙骨科为主组合带 ;2是以蒿属莎草科禾本科桦属栎属为主组合带 ;3是以桦属蒙古栎松属蒿属莎草科禾本科为主组合带 ;4是以松属桦属蒙古栎蒿属苔草属为主组合带。这 4个孢粉组合带清楚地反映了古植被、古气候演替 4个阶段 :依次为温性落叶阔叶林→针、阔叶混交林草原→以落叶阔叶树稍多的针、阔叶混交林草原→以松占优势的针、阔叶混交林。其气候变化是温暖湿润温和略干温和略湿温凉湿润。
Four sporo-pollen assemblages were divided from bottom to top in the 96-QP profile of Tongjiang County, Heilongjiang Province. 1 was dominated by the Poaceae Polypodiaceae from Quercus mongolica, 2 from Artemisia Gramineae Quercus Quercus as the main combination belt; 3 is the Betula mongolia Quercus mongolicus Cyperaceae under the main combination belt; 4 is based on the genus Pinaceae Mongolia oak Artemisia mainly combination zone . The four sporo-pollen assemblages clearly reflect the four stages of palaeoclimate and paleoclimate succession: temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest → needle and broad-leaved mixed forest steppe → slightly more needles in deciduous broad-leaved tree, Forest steppe → take the dominant acacia, broad-leaved mixed forest. Its climate change is warm and mild and slightly warm and slightly warm and humid cool wet.