Boanmycin (Bleomycin A6, BAM), a newantitumor antibiotic, was isolated from manycomponents of bleomycin(BLM)produced bystreptomyces pingyangensis which were obtainedfrom a soil sample collected in Pingyang County,Zhejiang Province, China. Boanmycin has a similarchemical structure to that of BLM, but the terminalamine moiety is different. Pingyangmycin(bleomycin A5), one of multicomponent bleomycincomplex produced by the strain, was found to havea high activity against a wide spectrum of murinetransplantable tumors, but have a relatively low
Boanmycin (Bleomycin A6, BAM), a newantitumor antibiotic, was isolated from many components of bleomycin(BLM)produced bystreptomyces pingyangensis which were obtained from a soil sample collected in Pingyang County,Zhejiang Province, China. Boanmycin has a similarchemical structure to that of BLM, But the terminalamine moiety is different. Pingyangmycin(bleomycin A5), one of multicomponent bleomycin complex produced by the strain, was found to havea high activity against a wide spectrum of murinetransplantable tumors, but have a relatively low