真正的原发性乳突癌几乎完全局限于乳突部,常于乳突凿开术时发现。颞骨癌只有数例报告,其发生率约为1/25000 Lewis氏报告12例中耳和乳突癌中有2例原发性乳突癌。作者报告1例原发性乳突癌,并复习文献。诊断:乳突癌常伴有慢性耳部感染症状,有耳漏(特别是浆液血性),进行性听力丧失,眩晕、耳鸣,面瘫、以及更重要的耳内和乳突区严
The true primary papillary carcinoma is almost entirely confined to the mastoid, and is often found during mastoidectomy. Only a few cases of radial bone cancer have been reported, with an incidence of approximately 1/25,000. Lewis reported 12 cases of primary papillary carcinoma in middle ear and papillary carcinoma. The authors reported 1 case of primary papillary carcinoma and reviewed the literature. Diagnosis: Papillary carcinoma is often accompanied by chronic ear infections, otorrhea (especially serous bloody), progressive hearing loss, dizziness, tinnitus, facial paralysis, and, more importantly, in the ear and mastoid region.