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尽管近百年来人们对尼采其人及其哲学见解藏否不一,但是却都不否认他是近代一位伟大的哲学家和思想家,其学说影响极其深远。没有他,很难想象从海德格尔到保罗·德曼、从弗洛伊德到拉康、从托马斯·曼到米兰·昆德拉的二十世纪的文学与哲学究竟是何种图景。他1844年生于德国萨克森地区的勒肯,四岁丧父,给他的心灵造成一种永远无法恢复的失落。从此,他在女人的世界里长大成人——祖母、母亲、妹妹、两位女仆,受良好的古典语言文学教育,在大学任教,服兵役,著书立说惊世骇俗,身染梅毒,终身未娶,精神错乱……这充满传奇色彩的一生也成了 Although people have different views on Nietzsche and their philosophical views in the last hundred years, they do not deny that he is a great philosopher and thinker in modern times. His doctrine has a profound influence. Without him, it is hard to imagine what the twentieth-century literature and philosophy from Heidegger to Paul German, from Freudian to Lacan, from Thomas Mann to Milan Kundera, was. Born in Laken, Saxony, Germany in 1844, he lost his father at the age of four, creating a loss for his soul that can never be restored. Since then, he has grown up in a woman’s world - grandmother, mother, sister, two maids, by a good classical language and literature education, teaching at the university, military service, books set out shocking, stained with syphilis, lifelong Married, mentally confused ... this life has become legendary has become
或许村上本来就很喜爱以DUG为首的一些爵士餐厅吧,因此他自己也开起了爵士餐厅,地点在国分寺,他以自己养的猫的名字Peter Cat当做店名,后来搬到千驮谷,陈设可以令人感觉到村