世人皆知,体格强壮的年轻人,冬天不烤火,洗洗冷水澡,实属不足为奇。进入花甲之年的老人,严冬用冷水沐浴,甚至远离火盆,则少之又少。年过八十岁以后,能长年累月坚持洗冷水澡,甚至与火盆无缘,人世间就非常罕见了。早听人传闻,湘西有一位御寒能力极强的健康老人,不仅寒冬腊月远离火盆,而且一年四季都洗冷水澡。为了探个究竟,笔者于最近(1998年12月下旬)专程走访了这位老人。 这位健康老人名叫扶勋,是湖南省某县政协的一位离休干部,现任县政协常委、县黄埔同学会的会长。笔者在采访中得知,扶老出生于1917年2月,至今已82岁了,他向笔者介
It is not surprising that it is well known that physically strong young people do not roast fire in winter and wash cold baths. Entering the year of the Elder, winter with cold water to bathe, and even away from the brazier, then very few. After eighty years of age, can adhere to take a cold shower over the years, and even missed the brazier, the world is very rare. As early as people heard rumors, Xiangxi has a strong ability to warm the elderly, not only cold winter months away from the brazier, but cold baths all year round. In order to find out what, I recently made a special trip (late December 1998) made a special trip to the elderly. The healthy elderly named Fu-hsun, a retired cadre of a county CPPCC in Hunan Province, is currently the county CPPCC Standing Committee, County Huangpu fellow. The author learned in an interview that Fu Fu was born in February 1917 and is 82 years old now.