
来源 :湖南农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:z85811936
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宁乡县从1985年开始调整水稻品种布局,将“迟配迟”为主改为“中配中”为主,改粮食两熟为三熟,但一直未能找到较为稳定的早稻当家品种,单产连续7年徘徊滑坡。加之多家引种、自繁自推,品种多、乱、杂,影响产量的提高。 1990年我们从湖南省水稻所引进湘早籼11号(原名7-81),多点示 Ningxiang County started to adjust the layout of rice varieties in 1985 and changed “late with late” mainly to “medium with middle”, and changed the two crops of cooked grains into three crops. However, they have not been able to find more stable varieties of early rice, Yields for seven consecutive years hovering landslide. Coupled with the introduction of many, since the Fanzui push, variety, chaos, miscellaneous, affecting the yield increase. In 1990, we introduced Xiangzaoshian 11 (formerly 7-81) from Hunan Province to show more