调查研究,最欣喜也最无奈的感觉恐怕莫过于:“众里寻她千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑栅处。”记得一位领导同志曾经说过:发现——是社会问题转化为调研成果的关键。调查研究的学问说到底是发现的学问。 这是精辟的见解。 迈进新世纪,改革发展进入新阶段,各种矛盾和问题也扑面而来,等待着我们去发现、去解决。善于发现是办公室人员最基本的素质。谁善于发现问题,谁在“三个服务”中就有了用武之地。发现的问题越多,症结摸得越准,贡献也就越大。不擅于调查研究,发现不了问题,就不可能成为一名称职的办公室人员。
Survey and study, the most joy and most helpless feeling I am afraid than: “The public to find her thousands of Baidu, suddenly look back, that person is at the light fence.” I remember a leading comrades once said: Discovery - is the transformation of social issues The key to research results. The study of learning in the final analysis is the discovery of knowledge. This is brilliant insight. Entering the new century, with the reform and development entering a new phase, various contradictions and problems have also come to the fore and are waiting for us to find and solve them. Be good at discovering is the most basic quality of office staff. Who is good at identifying problems, who in the “three services” have come into play. The more problems we find, the more accurate the problem, the greater the contribution. Not good at investigation and research, can not find the problem, it is impossible to become a competent office staff.