基于高频CO2激光脉冲写入的新型超长周期光纤光栅(ULPFG),提出了一种可实现温度自补偿的新型高灵敏度折射率计。理论与实验表明,新型超长周期光纤光栅不同闪耀阶次谐振峰对外界折射率与温度变化的灵敏度各自不同,特别的是,该光栅存在对外界折变不敏感的谐振峰,测量中除了可以利用该峰实现温度同时测量外,还可以补偿另一个测量折变的谐振峰因温度变化带来的测量误差。该折射率计具有制作简单、成本低、强度好,灵敏度高等优点,当外界折射率在1.43~1.45范围内变化时,其折射率测量灵敏度可达每单位折射率240 nm,在实际工业应用中具有较大的潜在实用价值。
Based on the new ultra-long period fiber grating (ULPFG) written by high-frequency CO2 laser pulses, a new type of high-sensitivity refractometer for temperature self-compensation is proposed. Theoretical and experimental results show that the sensitivities of the refractive index and temperature of the novel ultra-long periodic fiber gratings at different shimmering orders are different from each other. In particular, the grating has resonance peaks that are insensitive to external bending. The use of the peak temperature measurement at the same time, but also to compensate for another measurement of the resonance peak change due to temperature measurement error. The refractive index meter has the advantages of simple fabrication, low cost, good strength and high sensitivity. When the refractive index of the outside varies from 1.43 to 1.45, the refractive index measurement sensitivity can reach 240 nm per unit refractive index. In practical industrial applications Has great potential practical value.