举世瞩目、全国人民关心的上海宝山钢铁总厂,是一座现代化的大型钢铁联合企业。1985年9月投入试生产后,在不到一年的时间里,各项主要生产指标即达到了设计水平。这是我国钢铁工业史上的一个重大成就。 宝钢在引进先进设备的同时,引进了先进的管理方式。他们结合国情厂情进行消化吸收、融合提炼、立足实践、发展创新,努力探索具有中国特色的现代化管理模式,而且已经取得了可喜的成绩和可贵的经验。
Attracting worldwide attention, the people of all nationalities in Shanghai Baoshan Iron and Steel Plant, is a modern large-scale iron and steel enterprises. After putting into trial production in September 1985, in less than a year, the major production targets reached the design level. This is a major achievement in the history of China’s steel industry. Baosteel introduced advanced equipment while introducing advanced management methods. In combination with their national conditions, they digest and absorb, integrate and refine, base themselves on practice, develop and innovate, and strive to explore modern management modes with Chinese characteristics. They have also achieved gratifying achievements and valuable experience.