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党的十六届四中全会提出了构建社会主义和谐社会,什么是“和谐社会”?和谐社会就是社会的良性运行和协调发展,所谓“如乐之和,无所不谐”。著名社会学家邓伟志提出,和谐社会具有四项标准:资源兼容共生的社会、社会结构合理的社会、社会行为符合规范的社会、社会运筹得当的社会。和谐社会是从结构视域考察社会发展状况得出的良性结论。因此,它自然包含着社会发展空间布局的合理性,即区域经济与社会发展的有机协调与相对平衡。 The Fourth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee put forward the proposal of building a harmonious socialist society. What is a “harmonious society?” A harmonious society is the benign operation and coordinated development of society. The so-called “harmony and harmony” of society. Well-known sociologist Deng Weizhi proposed that a harmonious society should have four criteria: a society that is compatible with resources, a society with a reasonable social structure, and a society where social behavior is in line with norms and a well-coordinated society. A harmonious society is a benign conclusion drawn from the perspective of structure and social development. Therefore, it naturally contains the rationality of the spatial layout of social development, that is, the organic coordination and relative balance between regional economic and social development.
● 四核苯甲酸锌配合物的合成和晶体结构(SynthesisandCrystalStructureofTe tranuclearZincBenzoate) P .939~ 94 2尹明彩 ,王驰伟 ,艾常春 ,袁良杰 ,孙聚堂 (武汉大学化学与
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