我国是茶树的故乡,茶是我国最早用来作饮料的。传说在4700年以前的神农时代,就有“神农尝百草,日过七十二毒,得茶而解之”的记载,唐玄宗时,陆羽所著《茶经》是世界上第一部茶叶专著。应该说,茶也是我国人民对世界文明的一大贡献。 我国幅员辽阔,产茶地区很多,因各地地理环境和气候条件不尽相同,所产茶叶品种也不尽相同,加之各自都有不同的焙制工艺,使各种茶叶都各具风味,而饮茶也就成了我国各族人民的共同嗜好。
My country is the hometown of tea tree, tea is the earliest used as a beverage in our country. Legend has it that in the Shennong era of 4700 years ago, there was a record of “Shen Nong tasted hundreds of herbs and passed 72 poisonous days to obtain tea while solving it.” When Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty was published, the Book of Tea by Lu Yu was the first tea in the world focus on. It should be said that tea is also a great contribution our people make to world civilization. Our country has a vast territory and many tea producing areas. Due to the different geographical environment and climatic conditions in each area, the varieties of tea produced are also different. In addition, each has its own baking process, so that all kinds of tea have their own flavor and drink Tea has also become the common hobby of all ethnic groups in our country.