倾注全心全力 绽放青春美丽——记全国金融五一巾帼岗位标兵叶琼琼

来源 :中国工会财会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:galahad55
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2015年5月,从中国工商银行温州永嘉上塘支行走出了一位全国劳模林小群;一年半后,这个只有26名员工的小小二级支行,又有一颗业务技能明星在全国金融系统闪亮登场:2017年2月13日,工行浙江温州分行工会收到了中国金融工会全国委员会的通报表彰文件——工行温州永嘉上塘支行叶琼琼与全国金融系统75名员工一起荣获“全国金融五一巾帼岗位标兵”称号。 In May 2015, a small model worker named Lin Xiaoqun came out from Shangjia Sub-branch of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China in Yongjia, Wenzhou. After a year and a half, the small secondary branch with only 26 employees and another business skill star shone brightly in the national financial system Debut: On February 13, 2017, the union of Wenzhou Branch of ICBC Zhejiang Branch received the commendation document issued by the National Committee of China Financial Federation - ICBC Ye Yongqiong, branch of Yongjia Shangtang, together with 75 employees of the national financial system, won the post of “ Model ”title.