一、一堂设置场景作文课 为了说明的方便,且看一堂设置场景作文课纪实: (上课铃响了,教师不像以往立即进教室。)只见一个同学愁容满面,捂着肚于走到讲台前,伛偻着身子作呕吐状。另一个同学见状,忙帮这个同学捶背抹胸,这个同学一呕吐,那个同学用手去捂这个同学的嘴,竟接出一个鸡蛋来!每一次呕状,每一次去捂,都捂出一个鸡蛋。如是者再,讲台桌上摆满了鸡蛋!
I. Setting up a scene composition lesson For ease of explanation, and to take a look at setting up a composition lesson record: (The bell rang in the classroom and the teacher did not immediately enter the classroom as he had in the past.) I saw one of my classmates who looked at me sadly and walked to the podium. Before leaving, vomiting. When another student saw the class, he helped the classmate to braise his stomach. The classmate vomited. The classmate smashed the student’s mouth with his hand and took out an egg! Every time he vomits, every time he goes to bed, he pulls out an egg. If so, the rostrum is full of eggs!