青春期月经异常,是常见病症,几乎每个女孩子都会遇到的。 月经是子宫内膜周期性剥落的结果。少女13—16岁或更早,大脑下部的脑垂体开始分泌较多的促性腺激素。使小腹下部的卵巢增大、发育,分泌雌激素。雌激素可使乳房增大、体形加速增高、月经来潮。正常月经周期为28天,经期3—7天,量中等,色暗红、无血块,并可能出现痛经。开始的早期阶段,卵巢分泌雌激素的多少很不规则,因此月经也变得很紊乱。现介绍青春期月经异常的四种类型: 1.月经稀发 月经周期较长,40—50天来潮1次,或更长。经期一般较短,经量较少,少数可持续淋漓不净或经量增多。此种类型较为多见。
Abnormal menstruation in adolescence, is a common condition, almost every girl will encounter. Menstruation is the result of periodic exfoliation of the endometrium. 13-16 years old girl or earlier, the lower part of the brain began to secrete more pituitary gonadotropin. The lower part of the lower ovary ovaries, development, secretion of estrogen. Estrogen can increase the breast, body acceleration increased, menstrual cramps. The normal menstrual cycle is 28 days, menstrual period 3-7 days, the amount of moderate, dark red, no blood clots, and may cause dysmenorrhea. In the early stages of ovulation, the amount of estrogen secreted by the ovaries is very irregular, and menstruation also becomes disordered. Are introduced four types of adolescent menstrual abnormalities: 1. Menstrual hair loss menstrual cycle longer, 40-50 days or 1 tide, or longer. Menstrual period is generally shorter, the amount of less, a small number of sustainable dripping net or by volume increase. This type is more common.