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为欲充分发挥AlFeVSi系耐热铝合金应用潜力,进一步提高合金的综合性能,本文采用金相、X射线衍射、透射电镜和力学性能等测试手段研究了稀土元素Er对FVS0812合金的显微组织、力学性能以及热稳定性的影响,结果表明,FVS0812合金中加入少量Er可以保持合金良好的高温强度,明显改善合金塑性,而且降低了主要强化相A1_(12)(Fe,V)_3Si硅化物的粗化率,提高合金的高温稳定性;但是稀土Er也促使了δ(AlFeVSiEr)相的形成,因而不利于进一步改善合金韧性。为此,防止有害相形成,加入适当稀土元素合金化,将成为改善AlFeVsi耐热铝合金性能的有效途径。 In order to give full play to the potential application of AlFeVSi heat-resistant aluminum alloy and further improve the overall performance of the alloy, the microstructure of the alloy FVS0812 was investigated by means of metallographic examination, X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy and mechanical tests. Mechanical properties and thermal stability of the alloy. The results show that adding a small amount of Er into the alloy FVS0812 can maintain good high temperature strength, significantly improve the ductility of the alloy, and reduce the hardness of the main strengthening phase A1_ (12) (Fe, V) _3Si silicide However, the rare earth Er also promotes the formation of δ (AlFeVSiEr) phase, which is not conducive to further improve the toughness of the alloy. To this end, to prevent the formation of harmful phases, adding proper alloying of rare earth elements, will be an effective way to improve the performance of AlFeVsi heat-resistant aluminum alloy.
长江入海处的启东市,往东与日本、韩国相邻,向南与上海仅一江之隔,拥有江海洲堤180公里,江海滩地66万亩,海域面积11000平方海里,具有得天独厚的江海开发资源。 启东市委书记
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