Study on security and protection of original ecotourism resources in the mountain areas of western G

来源 :Ecological Economy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ly6624
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Original ecotourism resources mainly refer to natural and human original ecotourism resources, and it’s of fragility, rarity and irreversibility. As a valuable historic heritage and important tourism resources, it plays a significant role in developing tourism and economy in such areas as the underdeveloped areas, the mountain areas and mi-nority areas. The tourism resources in the western mountain areas of Guangxi owe superiorities and characteristics to their original ecology. Yet, western Guangxi is an ethnic region with fragile karst eco-environment, so it is special to exploit the tourism resources. The paper defines original ecotourism and analyses the specialties and advantages of the original ecotourism resources as well as the frailty of the ecotourism resources of the region. The ways of thinking are put forward for safe preservation and sustainable development of the original ecotourism resources, i.e. carrying out measures for the multi-grade protection of heritage resources, setting up a ethnic ecomuseum/ ethnic culture eco-park and a gene pool of ethnic cultures, etc. Original ecotourism resources primarily refer to natural and human original ecotourism resources, and it’s of fragility, rarity and irreversibility. As a valuable historic heritage and important tourism resources, it plays a significant role in developing tourism and economy in such areas as the underdeveloped areas, the mountain areas and mi-nority areas. The tourism resources in the western mountain areas of Guangxi owe superiorities and characteristics to their original ecology. Yet, western Guangxi is an ethnic region with fragile karst eco-environment, so it is special to exploit the tourism resources. The paper defines original ecotourism and analyses the specialties and advantages of the original ecotourism resources as well as the frailty of the ecotourism resources of the region. The ways of thinking are put forward for safe preservation and sustainable development of the original ecotourism resources , ie carrying out measures for the multi-grade protection of heritage resource s, setting up a ethnic ecomuseum / ethnic culture eco-park and a gene pool of ethnic cultures, etc.
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