汽车运输企业根据交通部对货物运 输规定.“货运站为承运人提供货源,组织 配载,办理受托、承运等运输业务,应向 承运人计收组货劳务费。”即租货单位向 承运单位收取一定比例配货手续费。从 根本上扭转了以往组货无偿服务的惯 例。但这种组货劳务费是通过运输企业 之间相互划拨
Car transport enterprises in accordance with the provisions of the Ministry of Transportation on the transport of goods. “Freight Stations for the carrier to provide sources, organize the stowage, handling entrusted, carrier and other transport operations, should be counted to the carrier packs labor costs.” That is, Charge a certain percentage of delivery fees. From a fundamental reversal of the previous group of unpaid service package practice. However, this group of goods service costs are allocated through the transport enterprises between each other