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为害我省十字花科,葫芦科、茄科、豆科等主要蔬菜的叶甲种类很多,有的还相当严重,过去几乎没有报导,如斑鞘豆叶甲目前已成为豆科作物的大害虫,豆类叶片的被害率高达70~100%,使豆株早衰,严重影响豆的产量,近年来,我们在省内部份地区作了调查,并采集了大量标本,已鉴定20种,现简报于下:一、种类、寄主及已知分布(表1)二、种类鉴别(成虫检索表)(形态图见封三)1 后足腿节显著膨大,善跳. Pests in our province Cruciferae, Cucurbitaceae, Solanaceae, Leguminosae and other major types of leaf vegetables a lot of leaf, and some very serious, in the past almost no report, such as the spotted beans bean A has now become leguminous crops pests In recent years, we investigated in some parts of the province and collected a large number of specimens, of which 20 species have been identified and are now Briefing on the next: First, the type, host and known distribution (Table 1) Second, the type identification (adult search form) (morphological map see seal three) 1 hind leg section was significantly enlarged, good jump.
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一、柑桔根线虫(Tylenchulus semipenetrans Cobb.) 柑桔根线虫在美国于1912年由J.R.Hodges在罗斯安朱尔斯的甜橙园内第一次发现,几乎在同一时候,由泽田在中国台湾省的碰柑
一、前言竹斑蛾(Arlona funeralis Bulter)是竹林的重要害虫,在广州郊区,年年均有不同程度的发生。竹斑蛾有时大发生成灾,如1964—1965年,仅广东怀集幸福、(土幻)仔、永固三
2009年9月是著名钢琴教育家朱雅芬教授80寿辰。由于她出生的年代久远,连她朱教授自己也难以说得清楚,阴历阳历到底哪个日子是准确的,大致的时间是在九月至十月之间。 Septem
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A ceremony connecting human and gods For the Tujia people,the word Maogusi means“ancestor,”and the Maogusi is an important ceremony in dance form. It honors t