特发性呼吸窘迫综合征(简称IRDS)是未成熟婴儿的常见死亡原因。IRDS可伴中枢神经系统的种种病变。本文分析了死于IRDS的170名未成熟婴儿尸检的脑神经病理学变化。 107名未成熟婴儿的平均孕龄为29周。男婴占107名,女婴占63名,其中100名在出生后48小时内死亡。 IRDS典型的肺病理学变化为局灶性肺出血、肺不张、肺水肿、透明膜病变,以及支气管肺的发育不良。文内根据尸检时脑出血的有无,将脑病变分成两大组。脑出血组占149名(88%),出
Idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome (IRDS) is a common cause of death in immature infants. IRDS can be accompanied by various diseases of the central nervous system. This article analyzes the cerebral neuropathological changes in autopsy of 170 immature infants who die from IRDS. The average gestational age for 107 immature infants was 29 weeks. 107 for boys and 63 for girls, 100 of whom died within 48 hours of birth. The typical pulmonary pathology of IRDS is focal pulmonary hemorrhage, atelectasis, pulmonary edema, hyaline membrane disease, and dysplasia of bronchopulmonary. According to the text of autopsy intracerebral hemorrhage, will be divided into two major groups of brain lesions. Intracerebral hemorrhage group accounted for 149 (88%), out