几乎是一夜之间,原本默默无闻的河南籍南京邮电大学大二学生陈峰伟出名了。“大二学生筹资300万元大学城里开办IT大卖场”、“一位南京大学生的商业帝国梦”等新闻标题不断见诸报端, 而主人公无一例外地指向了他——陈峰伟。这个高考时以8分之差与清华大学擦肩而过的南京邮电大学在校生,为什么突然有融资300万元的“大手笔”?是哪些经历促使这位21岁的河南小伙子,突然摇身一变为大家口中的陈总……
Almost overnight, the original obscurity of Henan University Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications sophomore Chen Fengwei famous. “Sophomores to raise 3000000 yuan in the university town to open IT hypermarkets”, “a Nanjing business empire dream” and other news headlines constantly see the newspapers, and the hero without exception, pointing to him - Chen Fengwei. The college entrance examination with 8 points and Tsinghua University pass by Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, why suddenly a financing 3000000 yuan “generous”? What experience prompted the 21-year-old boy in Henan, suddenly transformed into everyone Chief of the mouth ...