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【考情分析】近几年高考对本专题的考查,呈现以下几个特点:1.本专题是关于世界现代政治、经济格局发展趋势的基本内容,与现实联系紧密,是高考命题的重点和热点。2.对本专题的考查以选择题为主,也有材料解析题,两种类型的试题都以图文材料的形式呈现,考查考生准确获取材料信息,并调动和运用所学知识分析、解决历史问题的能力。3.从考查角度来看,试题集中考查马歇尔计划、两极格局形成、欧洲一体化、不结盟运 [Test analysis] in recent years college entrance examination of the topic examination, showing the following characteristics: 1. This topic is about the world’s modern political and economic patterns of the development trend of the basic content, and the reality is closely linked to the focus and hot college entrance examination proposition . 2. The examination of the topic to multiple choice questions, there are material analysis questions, two types of questions are presented in the form of graphic materials to examine candidates access to accurate information on the material, and mobilization and use of knowledge to analyze and solve historical issues Ability. 3. From the test point of view, the test focus on the Marshall plan, the formation of the bipolar pattern, European integration, non-aligned