目的:实时监测医院空气加压氧舱内的空气质量,并进行卫生学评价。方法:利用基于物联网的空气动态监测系统,以2020年7月20—27日的微信端数据和2020年7月6—10日系统后台采集的数据为例,对空气加压氧舱内的部分空气质量指标[温度、湿度、甲醛、总挥发性有机物(TVOC)、COn 2、PM10、PM2.5]、噪声进行实时检测、记录和描述性分析,根据《室内空气质量标准GB/T 18883—2002》对加压氧舱内空气质量进行评价,并提出优化建议。n 结果:各项检测指标均有较大波动,COn 2及颗粒物指标多次出现超标情况,消杀操作之后出现TVOC、甲醛浓度迅速上升甚至超标的情况。n 结论:空气加压氧舱内的空气质量存在问题,应加强人员和设备管理,改善医院空气加压氧舱内环境,进一步监测舱内压强、氧气浓度和细菌总量,将有助于提升高压氧治疗的质量。“,”Objective:To monitor the air quality of the air pressurized oxygen chamber in a hospital in real time, and conduct hygienic evaluation.Methods:Based on the data collected from the WeChat interface from July 20, 2020 to July 27, 2020 and the background data of the air dynamic monitoring system based on the Internet of Things from July 6, 2020 to July 10, 2020, we tested, recorded, and carried out a descriptive analysis of some air quality indexes and noise of the air pressurized oxygen chamber (temperature, humidity, formaldehyde, TVOC, COn 2, PM10, PM2.5). We evaluated the air quality in the pressurized oxygen chamber according to the Indoor Air Quality Standard GB/T 18883—2002, and provided some suggestions on optimization.n Results:The detection results showed that all the indicators fluctuated greatly. The indicators of COn 2 and particulate matters had exceeded the standards multiple times. After the disinfection, the TVOC and formaldehyde concentrations had increased rapidly or even exceeded the standards.n Conclusion:There was a problem with the air quality in the air pressurized oxygen chamber. It will enhance the therapeutic effect of hyperbaric oxygen by strengthening the management of personnel and equipment, improving the environment in the medical air pressurized oxygen chamber, and further monitoring of the air pressure, oxygen concentration, and the total amount of bacteria in the chamber.