Radiofrequency catheter ablation (hereinafter referred to as ablation) is the preferred treatment of atrioventricular-mediated arrhythmia, ablation success rate is still determined by the accurate positioning of the bypass. Due to the complex anatomy around the septal area of the implanted atrioventricular fibers, ablation of the septal pathways is more difficult than elsewhere. It has also been reported that there is a high risk of recurrence and atrioventricular block after ablation of the accessory pathway patients. The posterior septum is anatomically divided into right and left, corresponding to the tricuspid and mitral annulus, respectively. Many researchers design the positioning algorithm for the insertion of the left ventricular access line based on the ECG pattern. Although the V_1 positive delta wave can further differentiate the left and right posterior septal bypass, other studies confirm the difficulty of determining the location of the left and right posterior septal bypass.