唇腭裂(cleft lip and palate,CLP)是常见的颌面部先天发育畸形,群体发病率为0.1%~0.2%~([1])。由于先天的组织缺损和手术创伤等常产生严重的颌面部发育畸形,对患者的身心健康造成不良影响。其病因至今尚不明了,传统上认为由多基因遗传因素造成,与环境诱变因子有较大关系~([2)]。畸形累及唇、鼻、牙槽骨和腭部等,严重影响患者口腔颌面部的美观和功能,需要系统的设
Cleft lip and palate (CLP) is a common congenital malformation of the maxillofacial region with a population incidence of 0.1% -0.2% ~ ([1]). Due to congenital tissue defects and surgical trauma often have serious maxillofacial deformities, the patient’s physical and mental health adversely affected. Its etiology is still unknown, traditionally considered to be caused by polygenic genetic factors, and environmental mutagens have a greater relationship ~ ([2)]. Deformity involving the lips, nose, alveolar bone and palate, etc., seriously affecting the patient’s oral and maxillofacial beauty and function, the need for systematic design