
来源 :中国农村小康科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:SB502
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近日翻阅报纸时读到这样一则消息:某地为了加强村委会建设,招聘了一些品学兼优的应届大中专毕业生到辖区内相对落后的村担任村干部。 类似的消息不时地出现在某些报刊上。此外,有的地方还从党政机关、企事业单位中抽调一些能力强的干部下派到辖区的村担任村干部。以上做法虽然对优化农村基层干部结构,提高村干部素质,加强农村基层工作起到了积极作用,但却是有悖于有关法律规定的。 《中华人民共和国村民委员会组织法》已于1998年11月4日经第九届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第五次会议审议通过并颁布施行。该法第二十七条规定;“驻在农村的机关、团体、部队,全民所有制企业、事业单位的人员不 Recently read the newspaper read such a message: somewhere in order to strengthen the village committee building, hired a number of good academic and college graduates to the relatively backward area of ​​the village served as village cadres. A similar message appears in some newspapers from time to time. In addition, some localities also dispatched some competent cadres from the party and government organs, enterprises and institutions to the village cadres under their jurisdiction. Although the above measures have played an active role in optimizing the structure of rural grassroots cadres, improving the quality of village cadres and strengthening grassroots work in rural areas, they are contrary to the relevant laws and regulations. The Law of the People’s Republic of China on Villagers’ Committees was approved and promulgated by the Fifth Session of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People’s Congress on November 4, 1998. Article 27 of the Law stipulates that "the personnel of organs, organizations, military units, enterprises owned by the whole people, and public institutions stationed in the rural areas shall not
本文从六个方面阐述了中学开展思想政治教学课外活动的主要形式。 This article elaborates the main forms of extracurricular activities in ideological and political
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