
来源 :旅游纵览(下半月) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:konami_13
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冰雪旅游是具有鲜明北方特色的旅游产品,集观光、健身、娱乐于一身,深受广大旅游者的青睐,具有十分广阔的发展前景。地处东北地区的沈阳坐拥丰富的冰雪资源,兼具优越的地理位置,拥有发展冰雪旅游的巨大优势。沈阳市的冰雪旅游虽然起步较晚,但是发展很快,虽然现在沈阳市的冰雪旅游市场还存在着缺乏知名度,尚未形成产业链,基础设施不完善,缺乏相关整政策扶持和缺乏统一管理的问题,但在未来的发展中,结合现在发现的问题发展方向也更为明确。政府应该充分发挥宏观调控坐用,在资金方面加大投入以吸引投资;科学的定位沈阳市冰雪旅游市场,树立良好的品牌形象;注重培养冰雪旅游方面的专业人才,这样沈阳市的冰雪旅游将会进入健康快速的发展轨道,未来的发展前景也会更加广阔。 Snow and ice tourism is a distinctive northern tourism products, set sightseeing, fitness, entertainment in one, by the majority of tourists, with very broad prospects for development. Shenyang is located in the northeast region, rich in snow and ice resources, both the strategic location, with the great advantages of the development of ice tourism. Although the snow and ice tourism in Shenyang started relatively late, its development is rapid. Although there is still a lack of popularity in the ice and snow tourism market in Shenyang, the industrial chain has yet to be formed, the infrastructures are not perfect, and there is a lack of related policies and lack of unified management However, in the future development, the direction of the development of the problems found nowadays is also clearer. Government should give full play to the use of macro-control, increased investment in funds to attract investment; scientific positioning of the ice market in Shenyang City Tourism, establish a good brand image; focus on training of snow tourism professionals, so that the snow in Shenyang City Tourism will be Will enter a healthy and rapid development track, the future development prospects will be more extensive.