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胸内吻合口瘘是食管癌术后严重的并发症,病死率高,至今仍是食管外科的棘手难题。我们在采用胸壁开窗术治疗“难治性”脓胸成功的基础上,对胸内食管胃吻合口瘘造成的急性化脓性脓胸采用同法处理,取得一定的效果,介绍如下。胸壁开窗术的范围及大小视瘘口的位置及大小而定,其原则是显露脓腔和瘘口满意。弓上吻合口瘘由于临近胸顶,应选择腋下切口。切除1~3段肋骨、充分蝶化。该术式的优点是:(1)明视下可直接观察脓腔范围;瘘孔大小;感染程度及与周围重要脏器的关系等, Thoracic anastomosis fistula is a serious complication of esophageal cancer after operation. The high mortality rate is still a difficult problem for esophageal surgery. We used chest wall fenestration in the treatment of “refractory” empyema on the basis of the success of the intrathoracic esophagogastric anastomosis caused by the acute purulent empyema treated with the same method, to obtain a certain effect, as described below. The scope and size of the chest wall fenestration depends on the position and size of the fistula, and the principle is to reveal the abscess and gargle is satisfactory. Anastomosis fistula should be chosen as a result of approaching the chest top. Resection of 1 to 3 ribs, full butterfly. The advantages of this surgical procedure are: (1) The scope of the abscess cavity can be directly observed under visible vision; the size of the fistula; the degree of infection and the relationship with the surrounding vital organs, etc.
Structuralism provides people with an effective solution in their constant quest of meaning. Readers and literary writers as well may make meaning out of a lite
患者,男性,34岁。1994年3月2日因发现 M 蛋白8年,面色苍白、乏力2月入院。28年前因右肱骨软骨瘤在外院曾作软骨瘤切除术,当时 A/G=4.7/1.8,Hb124g/L。8年前因腰痛在外院诊断
本文报告我院发现的4例肛管直肠恶性黑色素瘤,均经手术和病理证实,并就其临床表现、诊断、治疗、预后等结合文献复习予以讨论 1 临床资料临床表现详见表1。 2 讨论本病罕见,
荷兰国菜“三杂烩” 每年10月3日,荷兰国民家家烹食“国菜”。这道并非美味佳肴,不过是胡萝卜、马铃薯、洋葱三味一锅煮的杂烩菜,味道不见得怎样,却被尊为“国菜”,是何原因
肿瘤坏死因子(Tumor Necosis Factor,TNF)是一种主要由单核巨噬细胞系统分泌的多活性蛋白质细胞因子,具有广泛生物学作用,实验研究表明,TNF 在体内外对多种肿瘤细胞均有杀伤
今年夏天女装的设计主题为“草根”、“性感”、“新潮”、“完美”、“幻想”。 草根:具有强烈的草根意识,以回归大自然的服饰为主。服饰线条偏向简单、淳朴。有低裤腰长裤
1 病例报告女,29岁。因闭经,皮肤色素沉着,毛发增多4月,纳差,乏力2月入院。查体:营养差,贫血貌。左锁骨上米粒大淋巴结2枚,无触痛。腹软,肝、脾未触及。周身皮肤粗糙,汗毛浓