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抗战时期桂林教育事业的短暂兴旺,主要表现在以下四个方面。一是教育群贤荟萃,人才济济;二是社团众多,活动频繁;三是教育期刊激增,琳琅满目;四是学校教育蓬勃发展。短暂兴旺的特点主要有四点:用行政力量直接推动教育,形成大办教育的群众运动;从实际出发,大刀阔斧地改革旧教育制度,建立适合我国国情的教育体系;实施爱国教育与生产教育;重视教育研究、试验和总结推广。短暂兴盛的原因主要有三点:从地理环境来说,战时的桂林处于特殊的地理环境;桂系首领们出于政治需要,对进步文化采取比较开明的态度;有一批通晓中外教育改革家执掌教育行政要职,推行进步教育。 The brief boom of education in Guilin during the war of resistance against Japan was mainly manifested in the following four aspects. First, the education cluster of people, talent; Second, many associations, frequent activities; Third, the proliferation of educational journals, dazzling; Fourth, the vigorous development of school education. The characteristics of the short-term boom mainly include four points: the direct promotion of education by administrative forces and the formation of a mass movement for large-scale education; proceeding from reality, drastically reforming the old education system and establishing an education system appropriate to China’s national conditions; implementing patriotic education and production education; Emphasis on education research, testing and summary promotion. There are mainly three reasons for the rapid prosperity: from the geographical environment, Guilin in the wartime was in a special geographical environment; the chiefs of the Guangxi clansmen took a more enlightened attitude toward the progressive culture out of political needs; and a group of leaders who knew well of the Chinese and foreign education reformers Education administrative key positions, the implementation of progressive education.
目的探讨代谢综合征(MS)及相关组成成分在不同性别、年龄体检人群分布特点。方法按照2004年中华医学会推荐诊断标准(CDS),对收集到的8 884名体检人员的体质量、身高、血压、FPG及