The Assessment and Utilization of Straw Resources in China

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:QIAOKAIIORI
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The study was undertaken to evaluate the collectable and usable volume of existing straw resources, its suitability for different ways of utilization and fully reorganization of its development potential in China. Based on the results on the stubble heights of major crops in the Huang-Huai-Hai area (the area along the Yellow River, Huai River, and Hai River), the evaluation of the collectable and usable coefficients, and the collectable and usable volumes of various straw resources in China were worked out during 2005. The respective collectable and usable volumes of straw resources were worked out on the basis of suitability as fuel, feed, fertilizer, and base material for edible mushrooms. The total collectable and utilizable quantity of straw in China was 685 950 000 t, and the mean collection coefficient was 0.81 during 2005. The quantity of straw residue and wasted straw accounted for 19%. The collectable and utilizable quantities of grain, cash crop, and other crop straw were 492 310 000, 162 610 000, and 31 030 000 t which accounted for 71.77, 23.71, and 4.52%, respectively of the total collectable and utilizable quantity of straw. The quantity of straw which could be used as fuel was 635 000 000 t, which accounted for 92.63% of total quantity of the straw in the country during 2005. Among the total quantity of collectable and utilizable straw in China during 2005, the quantities of straw suitable and unsuitable for being processed as feedstuff were 587 640 000 and 98 310 000 t, which accounted for 85.67 and 14.33%, respectively. The quantity of straw residue returned to the field and collectable and utilizable straw for direct field restoration was 616 000 000 t, which accounted for about three-fourths of the total straw yield, while the quantity of straw for cultivation of edible mushrooms and industrial processing was about 587 000 000 t, which accounted for more than 85% of the total collectable and utilizable straw. The evaluation results indicate that the collectable and utilizable quantity of straw in China is abundant and suitable for many purposes. The study was undertaken to evaluate the collectable and usable volume of existing straw resources, its suitability for different ways of utilization and fully reorganization of its development potential in China. Based on the results on the stubble heights of major crops in the Huang-Huai- Hai area (the area along the Yellow River, Huai River, and Hai River), the evaluation of the collectable and usable coefficients, and the collectable and usable volumes of straw resources in China were worked out during 2005. The unique collectable and usable volumes of straw resources were worked out on the basis of suitability as fuel, feed, fertilizer, and base material for edible mushrooms. The total collectable and utilizable quantity of straw in China was 685 950 000 t, and the mean collection coefficient was 0.81 during 2005. The quantity of straw residue and was straw accounts for 19%. The collectable and utilizable quantities of grain, cash crop, and other crop straw were 492 310 000, 162 610 000, and 31 030 000 t which accounted for 71.77, 23.71 and 4.52% respectively of the total collectable and utilizable quantity of straw. The quantity of straw which could be used as fuel was 635 000 000 t, which accounted for 92.63% of total quantity of the straw in the country during 2005. Among the total quantity of collectable and utilizable straw in China during 2005, the quantities of straw suitable and unsuitable for being processed as feedstuff were 587 640 000 and 98 310 000 t, which accounted for 85.67 and 14.33%, respectively. The quantity of straw residue returned to the field and collectable and utilizable straw for direct field restoration was 616 000 000 t, which accounted for about three-fourths of the total straw yield, while the quantity of straw for cultivation of edible mushrooms and industrial processing was about 587 000 000 t, which accounted for more than 85% of the total collectable and utilizable straw. The evaluation results indicate that the collectable and utilizable quantity of straw in China is abundant and suitable for many purposes.
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