《湖南档案》已走过了风风雨雨的十五载,可谓尝尽了甜酸苦辣,披阅了征程忧患。我们喻它十五载磋砣岁月为“豆蔻年华”,是因为它不象中年那样风华渐逝,更不象老年那样步入衰落,而正象早晨八、九点钟的太阳,朝气蓬勃,前途无量。 这些年来,笔者一直是《湖南档案》的忠实读者,也是它的热心作者。在阅读和写作的过程中,笔者跟编辑部曾有着较多的联系。因此,也较多地了解该刊编辑同志们在办刊过程中的甘苦辛酸。然而,无论前进的道路多么艰难,该刊编辑同志们始终竭力克服种种困难,把刊物办出了自己的特色,在档坛上书写风流。纵观《湖南档案》这些年的成长历程,笔者觉得
“Hunan Archives” has gone through ups and downs of the fifteen contained, can be described as a taste of the bitter and hot, wearing the journey of concern. We call it the fifteen years of trial and error, “Cardamom Love,” because it is not as old-fashioned as the fading, not as old as the decline into the sun, just as the morning eight, nine o’clock sun, vibrant, Promising future. Over the years, I have been a loyal reader of the Hunan Archives and an avid author of her. In the process of reading and writing, I have had more contacts with the editorial department. Therefore, we also know more about the compliments and compliments of editorial comrades in running the magazine. Regardless of the difficult road ahead, however, the editors and comrades of this magazine have always endeavored to overcome all kinds of difficulties, put their publications in a unique style and wrote a romantic record on the archives. Throughout the “Hunan file” these years of growth, I think