翻开报纸,打开电视,遛达街头,各种各样的丰乳产品和隆胸手术广告有如眼前不散的尘埃,你不想看也逼着你看!有时,一踏进药房,迎面就会看到大幅“做女人挺好”的宣传画报,真使不少男士误认为“社会时兴生女孩了”;上厕所,墙上贴着美容广告最抢眼字眼莫过于:“博士主任医师采用先进技术隆胸,包保还你一个意想不到的惊喜,挺!挺!” 一些“傻乎乎”的男士说:“现在的女人们到底怎么了?”“什么时候开始流行‘太平’病的?” 的确,关于女性乳房大小的话题,已不再仅仅属于女人们的隐私了;越来越多的男人已注意到它了,且表现出令女人们感到惊诧的热情。
Open the newspaper, turn on the TV, stroll the streets, a variety of breast augmentation products and breast augmentation surgery ads like the eyes of the dust, you do not want to see also forcing you to see! Sometimes, as soon as you step into the pharmacy, you will see a large number of propaganda pictorials that are “pretty good for women” and mistakenly think that many men mistakenly believe that “there is a girl who is fashionable in society”. The most eye-catching words on the toilet wall are beauty advertisements Than: “The doctor’s chief physician breast augmentation using advanced technology, including an unexpected surprise to you, very! Very!” Some “silly” men said: “Now the women in the end what happened?” “When the start of the popular ’Too flat’? ”Indeed, the topic of the size of a woman’s breast is no longer just a woman’s privacy; more and more men have noticed it, and have shown the enthusiasm to make women amazed.