老师是教会我们知识,教育我们知礼的良友。遇到好的老师是一生的幸运,从集美大学穿龙袍上课的老师我们想到了一个好老师应具备的特征:积极、乐观、豁达、幽默……阅读下面的文章,看看学生和家长眼里的好老师是什么样子,又如何能成为好老师?I have come to believe that a great teacher is a great artist and that there are as few as there are any other great artists.It might even be the greatest of the arts since the medium is the human
Teachers are our good friends who teach us knowledge and educate us. Encounter a good teacher is a lifetime of luck, wearing robes from Jimei class teacher we think of a good teacher should have the characteristics: positive, optimistic, open-minded, humorous ... Read the following article, look at the students and parents eyes How do I become a good teacher? arts since the medium is the human