我院自1997年8月至2004年4月,共诊断原发性十二 指肠乳头癌52例,现总结报告如下。 1.临床资料:52例均为我院门诊和住院患者,男性28 例,女性24例。年龄31-84岁,平均54.9岁。40岁以上47 例(90.4%)。临床表现以黄疸和上腹痛多见。其中黄疸42 例(80.8%),上腹痛25例(48.1%),食欲下降14例 (26.9%),上腹胀不适12例(23.1%),发热6例(11.5%). 恶心呕吐7例(13.5%),呕血和(或)黑便6例(11.5%)。 病程15 d至3年不等,以1-3个月多见。
In our hospital from August 1997 to April 2004, 52 cases of primary duodenal papillary carcinoma were diagnosed. The summary report is as follows. 1. Clinical data: 52 cases were outpatients and inpatients in our hospital, 28 males and 24 females. Age 31-84 years old, average 54.9 years old. There were 47 cases (90.4%) above the age of 40. The clinical manifestations of jaundice and upper abdominal pain are more common. Including 42 cases of jaundice (80.8%), epigastric pain in 25 cases (48.1%), loss of appetite in 14 cases (26.9%), upper abdominal discomfort in 12 cases (23.1%), fever in 6 cases (11.5%). Nausea and vomiting in 7 cases ( 13.5%), vomiting blood and (or) melena in 6 cases (11.5%). The course of disease varies from 15 days to 3 years, and is usually seen in 1-3 months.