1971年国际海事组织(当时名为政府间海事协商组织)召开外交大会通过了“关于设立油污损害国际赔低基金公约”“根据这个公约,1978年10月建立了国际油污赔偿基金(以下简称“基金”)。现根据该“基金”所公布的1985年年报,将其近况介绍如下: 会员情况 “基金”建立当时,只有14个会员国,现已发展到34个。在1985年内有4个国家参加“基金”,他们是阿曼(1985年8月8日)、葡萄牙(1985年12月10日)、波兰(1985年12月15日)
In 1971, the International Maritime Organization (then called the Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization) held a Diplomatic Conference to adopt the “Convention Concerning the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage”. According to this Convention, the International Fund for Oil Pollution Compensation (hereinafter referred to as the “International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund” Fund. “) According to the 1985 Annual Report published by the” Fund, "their presentations are as follows: Membership At the time of the establishment of the Fund, only 14 Member States had now grown to 34. In 1985, there were 4 Countries participate in the Fund, which are Oman (8 August 1985), Portugal (10 December 1985), Poland (15 December 1985)