Since the 1960s series of “Sparks of Fire” series published in the memory of the Chinese left an indelible profound imprint. The publication of this collection of historical materials on revolutionary revolution originated from a large-scale essay campaign “Thirty Years of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army” started in 1956. All the authors participating in the essay were all criminals and ordinary officers and soldiers of our army who took the red blood in the blood. At that time, the editorial team collected more than 300 articles from thousands of manuscripts collected, divided into 10 episodes, and was published in 1982. This big book, written by a group of witnesses of revolutionary history, has become a monument in the history of our army’s culture. Many of these chapters were included in primary and secondary school textbooks and became the “Red Classics” that influenced generations. After the publication of the series of “Start a Prairie Fire,” a large number of manuscripts that had not been published in that large-scale essay campaign remained asleep in the Press Room of the People’s Liberation Army Publishing House, dusting dozens of cold and heat.