尿道膀胱异物多见于外伤、手术、病理穿孔后或自尿道外口导入,如弹片,金属丝,纱布,导尿管等。但长度超过一米的异物较为罕见,我院遇到1例,现报告如下。 患者,男,17岁,自述尿痛,尿频,尿急一月余,详细追问病史得知,患者于一月前将一细长塑料包皮导线经尿道外口插入,由于插入过深未能取出。X线检查:尿道外口内0.5cm处至膀胱内有连续性细长线影,膀胱区及尿道中部折曲成团并有多处打结,X线诊
Urethral bladder foreign body more common in trauma, surgery, pathology perforation or import from the urethral orifice, such as shrapnel, wire, gauze, catheter and so on. However, the length of more than one meter of foreign body is relatively rare, I met 1 hospital, are as follows. Patient, male, 17 years old, narrated dysuria, frequent urination, urinary urgency more than a month, a detailed history of the disease that patients in January will be a slender plastic foreskin wire inserted through the urethral orifice, due to the insertion was too deep failed to remove . X-ray examination: the urethral orifice 0.5cm at the bladder to the continuity of the slender line shadow, the bladder area and the middle of the urethra flex into a group and there are multiple knots, X-ray diagnosis