近几年来,中国期货事业迅猛发展, 市场理念发生了很大的变化,国家监管机构对于国内期货的监管日益完善。与此同时,在急速发展的全球商品衍生产品的投资领域,“中国因素”越来越大地影响着世界商品价格的波动,中国人也开始大规模地参与国际商品和衍生品市场的交易。我们在更多地介入全球商品市场的同时, 也暴露出一些问题,非常值得我们反思。以下,就是几桩国际上炒作“中国因素”, 导致国内企业受损的典型案例。尤其值得警惕的是,在这些炒作事
In recent years, with the rapid development of China’s futures business, the market concept has undergone great changes. The supervision by national regulators for domestic futures has been increasingly improved. In the meantime, “China factor” has increasingly affected the volatility of world commodity prices in the rapidly growing area of investment in global commodity derivatives. The Chinese also have started to participate in large-scale transactions in the international commodity and derivatives markets. While we are getting more involved in global commodity markets, we also have some problems that are worth our reflection. The following are just a few typical cases of the “Chinese factors” that have been internationally speculative, leading to the damage to domestic enterprises. Particularly alarming is that in these speculation