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  In the story of the three little pigs, the one who built his house of straw did not fare[进展,遭遇] well; the big, bad wolf huffed[吹气] and puffed[喘气] and blew his house down.
  But builder Michael Furbish, who made his own home from bales[大捆] of straw and an elementary school of the same material, says in reality, straw houses are not only sturdy[坚固的] but also good for the environment.
  Straw – the stalks of plants like wheat, oats[燕麦], and barley[大麦] – is considered a waste material and is commonly used for farm animal bedding. But more and more people are discovering that straw baled[打包] into rectangular blocks is an excellent, inexpensive building material.
  “Our mental picture is that a straw bale is light,” says Furbish. “But each bale weighs about 40 pounds. We stack[堆叠] them like bricks and then spray plaster[灰泥] –
  mud, essentially – on the inside walls to coat[涂上] them one and a half to two inches thick. Then we put
  stucco[装饰用的灰泥] on the outside. So a straw building
  is really like a fortress, and it is not going to rot as long as water is kept out of the bales.”
  There are two ways to make a straw-bale structure. You can build load-bearing[承重] walls with them, which means the walls support the roof. Or you can build a post-and-beam[梁柱(结构)] wooden frame that supports the roof and fill in the walls with straw bales.
  Either way, the walls are there to stay. And they provide great insulation[隔离], helping keep straw homes in cold climates cozy[舒适的] in winter and those built in hot places like the desert cool in summer.
  Straw is considered a green building material
  because it is a renewable resource: A whole new crop can be grown and harvested every year,
  easily “renewing” the supply.
  Also, planting and harvesting straw uses
  relatively little energy. “Most other building materials
  require a lot of energy use in production and manufacturing at a factory,” explains Furbish. “With straw-bale construction, you are getting a building product without using much energy at all.”
  Furbish used about 900 straw bales for his family’s two-story, three-bedroom house. His
  company provided straw-bale walls for the Friends Community School of College Park in Maryland. That project used about 4,000 bales.
  When asked if there are any drawbacks[缺点]
  to living in a straw house, like mice nibbling[一点一点地咬] on the walls, Furbish points out that the straw is completely covered with plaster and stucco. Besides, he has a couple of cats on mouse patrol[巡逻], just in case.
  “It would be hard to find a wall system that will outperform[胜过] straw,” he says. Looks like the big, bad wolf is just out of luck.
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