目的:对12例母婴Rh血型不合引起的新生儿溶血病进行血清学分析。方法:采用直接抗球蛋白试验、游离抗体试验、放散试验检测ABO以外的抗体,采用谱细胞与患儿血清和母亲血清进行间接抗球蛋白试验鉴定抗体。结果:12例新生儿RhHDN中检出抗-D 7例,抗-E 3例,抗-c 1例,抗-E,c 1例,其中3例溶血病患儿为Rh阳性孕妇所生产。结论:应推广产前孕期夫妇Rh血型鉴定分型(包括RhD阴性和RhD阳性)及孕妇Rh免疫性抗体筛查,以减少胎儿受害,保证优生优育。
Objective: To analyze the serological analysis of 12 cases of neonatal hemolytic disease caused by maternal Rh incompatibility. Methods: Antibodies other than ABO were detected by direct antiglobulin test, free antibody test and elution test. Antibodies were identified by indirect antiglobulin test using spectral cells with serum from both children and maternal. Results: There were 7 cases of anti-D, anti-E 3 cases, anti-c 1 case and anti-E and c case were detected in RhHDN of 12 newborns, and 3 cases of hemolytic disease were produced by Rh positive pregnant women. CONCLUSION: Rh-type identification (including RhD-negative and RhD-positive) in couples and Rh-immunity antibody screening in pregnant women should be popularized in prenatal pregnancy to reduce fetal damage and ensure prenatal and postnatal care.