今年是田汉同志诞生八十五周年,又是他逝世十五周年。十五年来,我一直想着这位整半个世纪甘苦与共的老战友,想着他历经风霜的生活道路,想着他多方面的事业成就,想着他忠诚坦荡的高尚情操。岁月如流,如今在新的历史条件下进行振兴中华的战斗,我们怎能不分外怀念我们的田汉同志! 从五四运动起,田汉同志就积极投身于反帝反封建的新文化运动。他创作了《咖啡店之一夜》、《获虎之夜》等剧本,批判封建主义,
This year marks the eightieth anniversary of Comrade Tian Han’s birth and the fifteenth anniversary of his death. Over the past 15 years, I have been thinking of this old comrades who lived together for half a century at a loss, thinking of his well-to-do life, thinking of his many career achievements and of his loyalty and magnanimity. As the years flow, nowadays under the new historical conditions to carry on the rejuvenation of the Chinese war, how can we not miss our Comrade Tian Han? Comrade Tian Han has actively engaged in the new anti-imperialist and anti-feudalism movement since the May 4th Movement. He authored “One Night at a Coffee Shop”, “Play Night by the Tiger” and other scripts, criticizing feudalism,