Chemical Modification of Tryptophan Residues in Pullulanase

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:klyh2008
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Tryptophan(Trp)residues in pullulanase have been chemically modified with N-bromo- ssuccinimide(NBS). The results of ultraviolet spectra indicated that there are 18 Trp residues in pullulanase and nine of them are located on the surface of the enzyme. Three of these Trp residues are none-essential residues which showed the fastest reaction speed by Zhou’s plot. Two of the seven relative faster reacting residues are essential for the activity of the enzyme. The other eight are none-reactive residues with lowest reaction speed. Tryptophan (Trp) residues in pullulanase have been chemically modified with N-bromo-ssuccinimide (NBS). The results of ultraviolet spectra indicating that there are 18 Trp residues in pullulanase and nine of them are located on the surface of the enzyme. Three of These Trp residues are none the most essential residues which showed the fastest reaction speed by Zhou’s plot. Two of the seven relative faster reacting residues are essential for the activity of the enzyme. The other eight are none-reactive residues with lowest reaction speed.
青海东部粟钙土区土壤有机质含量大多在2%下,而泥炭资源丰富。本文探讨了活化泥炭、氮、磷与花菜产量的数量关系,并寻求高产优良配方.1 活化泥炭(X_1)、氮(X_2)、磷(X_3)对
Background/Purpose: Clean intermittent catheterization has been an establishe d practice for more than 3 decades. The validity of antibiotic prophylaxis has b e
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