患者男,82岁,未婚。因右侧腹痛、尿频、排尿困难入院。入院后经直肠指诊,可于前列腺上方触及一肿大、质软、压之有一定弹性的囊性包块。B超检查:右侧肾窦回声分离3.0 cm,右输尿管全程扩张宽1.0~1.4 cm,未见结石征象,膀胱充盈明显,前列腺轻度增大,纵切膀胱及前列腺于前列腺的右上方见一巨大囊性肿物,呈椭圆形,体积为10.2 cm×8.4 cm×7.6 cm(图1)。住院后,因囊肿巨大立即行开放式手术治疗,术中于右侧精囊部位摘除一巨大
Male patient, 82 years old, unmarried. Due to the right side of the abdominal pain, frequent urination, dysuria admitted to hospital. After admission by the digital rectal examination, the top of the prostate can reach a swollen, soft, with a certain degree of flexibility of the cystic mass. B-ultrasound: the right sinus echo separation 3.0 cm, the entire right ureter widening 1.0 ~ 1.4 cm wide, no signs of stones, bladder filling significantly increased mild prostate, bladder and prostate longitudinal prostate in the upper right to see a Huge cystic mass, oval, volume 10.2 cm × 8.4 cm × 7.6 cm (Figure 1). After hospitalization, due to a huge cyst immediately open surgical treatment, surgery in the right seminal vesicle removed a huge