北京人民艺术剧院《茶馆》和《推销员之死》两出戏,应邀参加新加坡艺术节的演出,先后飞往新加坡。《推》剧组于6月21日启程。 6月21日中午十二点,新加坡航空公司的班机飞离首都机场。新航空中小姐的服装很别致:无领上衣、裹身长裙、花带拖鞋,完全是典型的马来式样。当地时间(未用夏令时)晚七点,到达新加坡机场。负责接待的新加坡国家剧场信托局(相当于中国演出公司)文化促进官张慧湘小姐对我说:“顾先生,记者们都在找你。”机场候机大楼大约比首都机场的大一倍,装修
Beijing People’s Art Theater “Teahouse” and “the death of a salesman” two plays, were invited to participate in the Singapore Arts Festival performances, has to fly to Singapore. The “push” crew departed on June 21. At noon on June 21, Singapore Airlines’ flight departed from Capital Airport. The new flight attendant’s clothes are very chic: collarless shirt, wrapped in long skirts, flowers with slippers, is a typical Malay style. Local time (not using daylight saving time) at seven o’clock in the afternoon, arrived at Singapore Airport. Miss Zhang Huixiang, Cultural Promotion Officer of the National Theater Trust of Singapore (equivalent to a Chinese performing company) in charge of reception said to me: “Mr. Gu, the reporters are looking for you.” The airport terminal building is about twice as big as the capital airport,