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随着社会经济快速发展,我国高速公路建设也随之得到迅速发展。当前我国高速公路沥青路面具有经济性、适用性、舒适性等性能,可以很好地满足高速公路结构要求。但高速公路因在露天环境使用,且受日晒雨淋的作用,加上车辆承裁量逐渐增大,使得其路面容易出现裂缝问题,这些裂缝问题若为得以有效处理则会严重影响整个高速公路使用性能,甚至威胁到使用者的生命安全。因此,本文就高速公路沥青路面裂缝形成的原因展开探究,并提出相应处理方法。 With the rapid social and economic development, the construction of expressway in our country has also been rapidly developed. At present, the highway asphalt pavement in our country has the properties of economy, applicability and comfort, which can well meet the requirements of expressway structure. However, the freeway is exposed to the sun and is exposed to the sun and rain. In addition, due to the increase of the bearing capacity of vehicles, the road surface is prone to cracking. If these cracks are effectively dealt with, the entire expressway will be seriously affected Use the performance, and even threaten the user’s life safety. Therefore, this paper explores the reasons for the formation of cracks in highway asphalt pavement, and puts forward the corresponding treatment methods.
摘 要孩子是花儿,是从那湛蓝的天幕中坠落到绿毯上的星星,他们在温暖的阳光里美丽绽放,灿烂多姿。面对这些,我震撼了。是啊,那些后进生,不也是其中的一部分吗?作为一名教师,作为一名班主任,我们有什么理由不去爱那些孩子们呢?苏霍姆林斯基说:“没有爱就没有教育。”也说:“爱,意味着把自己心灵的力量献给所爱的人,为所爱的人出创造幸福。”陶行知也说:“爱满天下。”我们为什么不把自己的爱给予他们每一个人呢?