商业储值卡在我国法律体系中的地位颇为尴尬,《人民银行法》等对其持否定态度,有关部门曾多次发出通知坚决予以取缔,但是巨大的市场需求是商业储值卡存在并不断发展的动力.法律对其一味地否定,不做规制,引发了许多社会问题:不仅消费者权益无从保护,国家税收、金融等经济秩序也会受到较大的影响.建立我国的商业储值卡法律体系必须充分发挥消费者、社会与国家三个主体的作用,公法与私法并用、社会与国家共管,才能充分保护消费者的合法权益,有效地维护市场经济秩序.“,”The position of Business value card in our legal system is awkward,for being forbidden by law of the people\'s bank of china and Legal documents of relevant department.But business value card exist and develop very quickly in the market because of huge and growing demand.Our law system refuses to regulate it.So a lot of social problems have occurred,such as causing damages to the lawful rights and interests of consumers,taxation order and financial order.To establish our law system of regulating business value card,consumer,social and government should play active roles,using both public and private law,regulating by both social and government.Thus the lawful rights and interests of consumers,taxation order and financial order will be protected.