1868年,美国政府同中国清皇朝谈判并签订了《中美续增条约》,即蒲安臣条约。这是中美两国之间第一个涉及移民问题的条约,它在华侨移民美国的历史和中美两国关系史中都占有重要的地位。这个条约表面上是由中美两国政府谈判签订的,但实际上却是由美国政府所一手炮制的。起草这个条约文本并代表美国政府签署条约的是美国国务卿西华德,代表清政府谈判并签署条约的却不是中国的外交官,而是另外一个美国人,当时刚刚卸任的美国驻华公使蒲安臣(Anson Burlingame)
In 1868, the U.S. government negotiated with the Qing Dynasty of China and signed the Treaty of Prosperity between China and the United States, the Pu Anchen Treaty. This is the first treaty involving immigration between China and the United States. It occupies an important position in the history of overseas immigrants in the United States and in the history of the relations between China and the United States. The treaty was ostensibly negotiated by the Chinese and the U.S. governments, but it was actually made by the U.S. government. The code that drafted the treaty and signed the treaty on behalf of the U.S. government was Secretary of State Westward. On behalf of the Qing government, it was not Chinese diplomats but another U.S. negotiator who negotiated and signed the treaty. At that time, the outgoing U.S. delegate to China, Anson Burlingame)