胆道蛔虫症是肠道蛔虫症的并发症,其发病机理是:蛔虫有钻孔习性,当患肠道蛔虫症寄生在肠内的蛔虫钻入胆道时,突发右上腹剧痛,于是便发生了胆道蛔虫症。根据右上腹突发剧痛,结合以前粪便中发现过蛔虫,此病诊断不难确定。本病可采用以下简易方法进行治疗。 手法按压穴位 取带有靠背的椅子1张,嘱病人面向靠背而坐,并充分暴露肩背部。术者左拇指压于右肩胛冈外1/3下2厘米的痉胆穴,上下滑动拇指并渐加大力量;与此同时,右拇
Biliary ascariasis is a complication of intestinal ascariasis, the pathogenesis is: Ascaris has drilling habit, when suffering from intestinal ascariasis parasites in the intestine of Ascaris drilled into the biliary tract, sudden right upper quadrant pain, so it occurs The biliary ascariasis. According to sudden pain in the right upper quadrant, combined with previous roundworms found in the stool, the diagnosis of the disease is not difficult to determine. The disease can be treated with the following simple method. Press the acupressure points to take a chair with a backrest, instructing the patient to sit facing the backrest and fully expose the shoulder and back. Surgery by the left thumb pressure in the right scapular Gang 1/2 next 2 cm spasm gallbladder, slide up and down thumb and gradually increase strength; at the same time, the right thumb