采用强流脉冲离子束(HIPIB)技术改性合金Ti6Al4V.HIPIB辐照合金试样的相结构不发生变化,但合金基体α-Ti的XRD衍射峰均发生向高角方向的漂移和宽化.辐照合金Ti6Al4V试样的硬度为4.2 GPa,硬化深度近600μm.辐照试样在1mol/L HCl溶液中呈自钝化现象,辐照试样与原始试样的维钝电流密度相当,但自腐蚀电位显著提高.HIPIB辐照具有改善合金Ti6Al4V耐蚀性作用.
The phase structure of Ti6Al4V-HIPIB irradiated alloy irradiated by HIPIB did not change, however, the XRD diffraction peaks of α-Ti alloy all appeared to shift and broaden to the high angle. The hardness of Ti6Al4V alloy was 4.2 GPa and the depth of hardening was nearly 600 μm. The irradiated samples were self-passivated in 1 mol / L HCl solution. The irradiated samples were comparable to the original blunted current densities The corrosion potential is significantly increased.HIPIB irradiation has the effect of improving the corrosion resistance of Ti6Al4V alloy.